This concept series “Showbiz Industry” follows two characters. Alice, an up-and-coming singer and actor, and Wallace, a security guard who moonlights as an enforcer for Showbiz Industries more nefarious dealings. It is a 1920s - 30s episodic show that follows the two characters working for the company. Both helped the company grow in influence and power over the entertainment industry following the change and media over 10 years. Alice would never see or interact with Wallace in any meaningful manner. Still, he would be watching over Alice, not out of any emotional connection or desire for friendship but simply because it would be his job to do so.
Alice’s design took heavy inspiration from flappers from the 1920s. Her design was supposed to grow more extravagant as the shows following the style trends from the early 1920s to the 1930s. As she would have been the public face of the company Alice would have a multitude of outfits staring in numerous films, commercials, and live performances.
Wallace's design was based on old dock workers from the late 1910s and brute-type characters from older cartoons like Bluto from Popeye Unlike his counterpart, Wallace’s design would remain stagnant throughout the show rarely changing. His role in the show is to be the muscle, acting in the shadows and helping the show, and subsequently the company, run smoothly.